St Michael's World Apostolate




We successfully beat the challenge. Again. A young man from the South delivered a generous gift on the final day (January 16th) that put us over the top so we could receive a sorely-needed infusion for our international operation.

However, we couldn't have reached that point without your donation (tax-deductible), be it small, medium or large.

St. Robert Bellarmine Church, Bayside, N.Y.

On Christmas Day 2024, the Lay Order of St. Michael remembered in prayer all the living and deceased members of SMWA. This is the chosen site where, at the appointed time, the curative waters will erupt and a Basilica will be built.

Every gift matters. And every gift doubled for the greatest Shrine on earth! founded by the Eternal Father as a sanctuary of peace and solace. (BTW: Your gift is in action already with a new boiler-installation in our workshop replacing the old one that cracked. Cost: $11,000.)

In thanksgiving, long-time priest-devotee, Fr. Terry Brennan, will be offering a Novena of Traditional Latin Masses beginning on Thursday (Jan. 23) for all the friends and benefactors of St Michael's World Apostolate.

Be assured that you are remembered daily in our community Rosary, and at the brilliant Shrine of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers.

Sunday Holy Hour for Pope and clergy, Jan. 12, 2025




The Eternal Father: Alamy Stock Photo



Questions? Contact us today

St Michael's World Apostolate

PO Box 514

Bayside, NY 11361
