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Miraculous Photos
manifestations from God
far beyond what most minds can comprehend."
Jesus, April 13, 1974
are miraculous photos?
One of
the key characteristics of the Bayside apparitions has been the
taking of miraculous photographs by the pilgrims attending the
vigils of prayer at the sacred grounds. Instead of Our Lady's
statue appearing in the photo, another image appears, many times
with graphic clarity and deep symbolic meaning for the
individual or the general edification of all. Below are a few of
the thousands of miraculous
photos taken over the years at the sacred grounds.
will be very busy studying the incoming photographic
manifestations. Many are temporarily blinded to what story lies
hidden in these photos. We have adopted this means to
communicate with a blinded generation."
Our Lady, March
24, 1973
"I will continue
to communicate with My children by using the photographs. Much
will be given in secret to them. It is a grace that can only be
given for those in the light. All others will look and find
Our Lady, March
29, 1975 |
Lady in the Sky
At the November 26, 1978, Sunday Holy Hour, Tom Bachor of
Little Neck, N.Y., took a picture of John Miles (foreground) near the
Vatican Pavilion, where Heaven has made their "home upon these
grounds" (Jesus, June 18, 1991). Supernaturally, the Virgin Mary,
the Mother of God, appears out of nowhere dominating the sky above Her
sacred grounds. In addition, the visage of Our Lord appears (facing you)
halfway down the left side. Just above, Jesus’ hand is pointing to His
Mother, as if to say: "Behold thy Mother! Hail, full of grace. Come
and journey to this Her sacred site, chosen from the beginning of
time." The meaning is clear: Our Lady is always present on Her holy
grounds, ready to generously dispense graces and blessings of cure and
conversion, peace and consolation to all who respond to Her invitation.
Also, note the light bulb over Her left shoulder. Our Lady is the light
of the world, the shining beacon, the most powerful intercessor between
God and man. |

An instant Polaroid photograph
taken on September 14, 1971, of Our Lady’s statue at St. Robert
Bellarmine Church. It is upon these chosen sacred grounds that the
curative waters will erupt and a great basilica will stand. As the photo
developed, Jacinta, one of the child seers of Fatima, Portugal,
miraculously wrote from Heaven, "Jacinta 1972." Contained
therein lies the heart of the famous 3rd secret and the date of the
coming great Chastisement. Examine the photo. When you exclude the
letter "J," the letters remaining in Jacinta can be read:
"a-c" "i-n-t-o." Turn the picture counter-clockwise
and a mitre (a bishop’s headpiece) is formed by the tails of the
"o" and the "2" (see illustration). Jacinta is
showing us the 3rd secret of Fatima: that satan, the antichrist (a-c)
would enter into (i -n -t -o ) many bishops and cardinals (mitres) in
the highest levels of the Vatican and that 1972 is the year of the
takeover of Pope Paul VI’s reign by these evil forces. This good Pope
affirmed this on June 29, 1972: "From some fissure the smoke of
satan entered into the temple of God." Even so, Our Lord’s
promise to be with His Church to the end remains intact. |
St. Michael's Lights
Lillian Bennett of Waltham, Mass., took this
photo at the Rosary Vigil of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 15, 1993 (at Our
Lady of the Roses Shrine). Our Lady's statue is in the center (background)
and Perry Montemaro, assistant Vigil Coordinator, is leading the Rosary.
Veronica of the Cross interpreted the photo in December 1994 and wrote
(Our Lady's statue
on right to help you see image in photo on left)
Lady approves
St. Michael's Radio effort
This Polaroid picture
was taken of Michael Mangan, Anais Acuna Garcia of Howard Beach, N.Y. At the
time, Michael was announcing the good news to the pilgrims: the launching
of the
first official Bayside radio program and its premier show the next
morning. This 30-minute weekly broadcast of Our Lady’s urgent message
reaches millions throughout North America. However, as you can see,
Michael does not appear in the snapshot. Instead, miraculously, the
Blessed Virgin Mary does, Her outline very similar to the Shrine statue (right).
It seems Heaven is saying that They approve this expanded effort to
save souls, and the beautiful letters we have received testify to its good
fruit. It’s as if Our Lady is saying: "I am with you. Come, follow
me. I will guide you." |
collides with earth
A Polaroid snapshot
taken by a pilgrim from California during the June 18, 1988 Rosary Vigil.
Miraculously, an image of the earth being planet-struck by a comet
appears. This is indicative of Our Lady's message that evening to the seer
Veronica of the Cross. Our Lady stated that the Ball of Redemption is
coming, a fiery comet of divine origin that will strike the earth in
punishment for mankind's sins. Note the fiery searing flames in the photo.
Our Lady has stated that this comet will remove over 3/4 of mankind. The
only way to avert this punishment is by a complete reversal of mankind
from sin and back to the Ten Commandments, the laws of God: prayer,
atonement and sacrifice.
Lord appears
Photo taken at the October
2, 1980 Vigil. Our Lord appears with His arms outstretched as though
welcoming the pilgrims who come there in a spirit of prayer and
reparation. There was no statue of Jesus on the grounds.

Photo rotated clockwise 90 degrees |
Lady appears in a cloud
Photo taken January 1974 on
the sacred grounds of St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Incredibly, the Virgin
Mary appears in a cloud standing on top of a globe, as Veronica would see
her appear in many of the apparitions. Our Lady said on May 17, 1986,
"One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside, and I will
appear over the old church building."
appears on American flag
Miraculous Polaroid photo taken of Veronica of the Cross at the May 15,
1976 Rosary Vigil by Margaret Stevens of South Weymouth, Mass. Incredibly,
a white cross appears on the American flag. During the Vigil, Our Lady
said to Veronica: "Your country shall receive the cross, My child!
Now you understand, My child, the photograph. The cross to many shall be
their salvation. The cross, My child, as you observed upon the photograph
was a cross of light, beaming with life."
May 29, 1976, Our Lady would again refer to this photo: "The cross,
my child, that was placed upon your flag has full meaning now to you; for
your country, America the beautiful shall fall unless there is now a
complete reversal . . . of the ways that have set you into darkness!" |
St. Francis at Shrine
An incredible Kodak instant photo taken at the
February 1, 1979 Vigil by Ray Welch of Hartford, Conn. St. Francis of Assisi
miraculously appears above the statue of Our Lady. There wasn't even a
statue of St. Francis on the holy grounds. St. Francis has appeared to
Veronica of the Cross many times. On December 7, 1973, he said, "Man must
learn and turn back and re-learn the rule of sacrifice and poverty. Man and
those in the House of God have given themselves to the pleasures of the
flesh. Self-denial is demanded by the Father. You must now starve your
bodies of the demons which you have allowed to enter upon you." |
Longtime devotee, Angela Urquia of Kearney, N.J., snapped this photo of
Michael Mangan, president, as he was leading the Rosary at the Pentecost
Vigil on Saturday, June 2, 2001.
Michael’s mother, Ruth Marie, had just passed on, so before Angela took the
photo, she asked the Blessed Mother if She would have Michael’s mother send
him a message. As you can see, it couldn’t be more plain and simple: Mom
sent her heart of love to Michael and to all the Bayside family! |
Suffering face of Christ
Amazingly, in side profile facing left in the center of the photo, appears
the face of Jesus in agony. Our Lady has said many times in Her message to
the world: “My Son shall be recrucified by His own. In the Holy City of
Rome many Red Hats [cardinals] have now become the Judases in the
hierarchy. As men of the cross, they have now won for themselves the title
of evil men of the cross. Many have entered My Son’s House, His Church
upon earth, to do harm” (Sept. 13, 1978).
If you turn the photo upside down, you’ll see that it was actually taken
of the Shrine statue and a vigil guard (lower rt). In any event, Heaven
miraculously intervened. This Polaroid photo (instant development) was
taken by Richard Boras at the Feb. 1, 1975 Rosary Vigil.
Heavy hand of God
The photo was taken of the
Queens apartment buildings within view of the sacred grounds by Joe
Burkhart, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Penna, at the Easter Vigil in 1980. This is
the hand of God coming down in punishment upon the cities and the world.
The hand has human fingernails, denoting Jesus in His human form. It is
also a left hand. Jesus blesses with His right hand, so the left hand
symbolizes chastisement. The interpretation was given by Veronica of the
Cross. |

Veronica's "V"
A Polaroid photo taken of Our Lady's
statue on August 5, 2000 during the 5th Anniversary of Veronica of the Cross
Vigil by Maria Calle of Corona, N.Y. Miraculously, instead of the statue, a
"V" appears (center left in photo) over the St Michael's World Apostolate
banner that resembles Veronica's handwritten "V" in her signature (right)
that graced many letters and documents in her earthly work. Clearly though,
Veronica is now showing, not only her presence at the Rosary Vigil in her
honor, but that she is still working closely from her Heavenly home with St
Michael's World Apostolate in this noble Mission that she lived and died
for. |

(enlargement) |
The devil up close
A miraculous photo taken by Eileen D’Elia, of Flushing,
N.Y., on Sat., June 17, 1989, at Our Lady’s 19th Anniv. Vigil. Amazingly,
satan—Lucifer, himself—appears on the bottom left-hand side. Note the evil
face and pointed horns. Turning the picture clockwise, one revolution, you
will see the letter “H” for hell. The streams of light represent the
presence and grace of Heaven in this fierce end-times battle for souls. On
the top left are greenish lights which denotes St. Michael, “the greatest
warrior of Heaven” (Jesus, June 9, 1979).
Jesus and Mary are exposing the devil and demonstrating that satan is not
a myth or something abstract, but “an active force, a living, spiritual
being that is perverted and that perverts others” (Pope Paul VI, General
Audience, Nov. 15, 1972).
“Be aware that Lucifer—his greatest armor is to
be not believed in.... For then, like the invisible agent of hell he is,
he can then wreak havoc among you.”
Jesus, Aug. 14, 1979 |
Veronica holds baby Jesus
Veronica of the Cross (center) holds the
Infant Jesus at the Christmas Vigil in 1975, with miraculous beams of
light streaming down from Heaven. Vigil workers surround her on the
WW3 foreboding
An instant Polaroid photo taken of the Shrine statue on October 6, 1973 by
Bernie Beyer of Great Neck, N.Y. Miraculously, the numbers 67 and 73
appear out of nowhere. The numbers refer to the two Arab/Israeli wars of
1967 and 1973. The photo was actually taken the same day the 1973 war
broke out. Our Lady is clearly pointing to the grim reality of WW3
and the area where it will erupt, the Middle East, “unless there is a
complete reversal of your ways that offend the Eternal Father much” (Aug.
14, 1976). For more insight and details on this imminent
catastrophe, we urge you to obtain a copy of
Middle East, HST No. 9. It has many related excerpts from the
Message of Heaven along with abundant references to Holy Scripture. |
Our Lady smiles on SMWA
Move over Mona Lisa. We
have a new masterpiece. This one though is not created by man but by the
stroke of God that captures the stunning beauty, grace and sweetness of
nature’s solitary boast.
great gift from Heaven unfolded on October 7 during the Sunday Holy Hour
when some faithful noticed the statue smiling. Near the close of the Holy
Hour more pilgrims noticed. |
Big rabbit
Sensational Polaroid photo taken of Our Lady’s statue on
Saturday, May 31, 2008, The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by
Michael Broydrick, Boston, Mass., organizer. In the center of photo,
enlarged for easy viewing, is a big rabbit (rabbi, priest) facing right
with what appears to be a dagger in its neck and the letter “A” above it.
The right ear and head of the rabbit form the letter “B.”
Apparently, the antichrist forces are planning a hit soon (“A” for anno,
Latin for year) on a “big priest”, i.e. Pope Benedict (“B”) bathed in
yellow (the papacy). During the Pope’s fruitful visit to the U.S. in April
2008, we offered four Sunday Holy Hours on the sacred grounds,
specifically, for his safety and protection. |
Rat photo
This instant Polaroid
photo was taken on June 17, 2006, at the 36th Anniversary Vigil, by
long-time devotee, Lita Farag, of Huntington Beach, Calif. She was asking a
question about her parish where she and other Baysiders and faithful were
being persecuted for kneeling, during Mass and for Holy Communion. In fact, this battle attracted national
attention when the pastor of the church declared that “kneeling was a mortal
sin.” In any event, as you can plainly see in the center of the photo, a big
rat appears. Jesus explained the meaning of the rat to Veronica of the
Cross: “Pastors, you must gather the sheep and not scatter them. You are
misleading Our sheep.... You chip away and you burrow like rats into the
structure, the foundation of My houses throughout the world” (Nov. 1, 1975). |
Many arms will be sent
Photo taken on Feb. 10, 1974, the
Vigil of Our Lady of Lourdes. A long white arm with hand made of light
miraculously appears assisting Veronica of the Cross as she prepares to
distribute a rosary, scapular and red rose. To help Veronica spread the
Message from Heaven, the meaning is made clear by Jesus, “Many arms will be
sent to you to help you—peoples of great faith, strength, and courage” (Dec.
6, 1974). |
Faces of the poor souls
Polaroid photo taken on Nov. 1, 1974, the eve of All Souls Day. Incredibly,
human faces appear over Our Lady’s statue. Veronica of the Cross interpreted
this and explained that the souls in purgatory came to beg for prayers and
Masses in order to hasten their release. Our Lady stated, “Many will be here
[in Purgatory]...unto the end of your world, only because there is no one
who can make restitution to the Father for the offenses committed by these
souls while they were upon earth. Yes, My child, there are many here who
have no one to pray for them. They are helpless as they wait.... Just one
kind thought, one memory can ease a part of their suffering. Many here have
been forgotten by their own.... Use your time wisely.... You have, as you
are still upon earth, a Heaven-given power to release your brothers and
sisters. Pray for them; make sacrifices for them; release them. And when you
do, their power will be great enough to bring you into the Kingdom” (May 22,
1974). |