Oct. 7, 1998
On October 30, 1997,
I was standing high on a step ladder taping lights on the cabin of a large
truck used for painting. I had to bend over to reach the middle lamp and
in that moment the step ladder slipped out from under me and I fell on the
concrete floor. My left leg got stuck in between the metal brackets. In
that moment I felt a terrible pain.
I came home thinking
that I only twisted my leg, so after a couple of days the pain should go
My children were
begging me to go and see a doctor and to get an X-ray to find out whether
it was broken. I must say that from the very beginning I was applying all
the time the blessed rose petals of Our Lady of the Roses to my leg and
praying, “Only You Blessed Mother can help me and give me my healthy leg
back or You can take it away. You decide what to do. I belong to You.” I
offered all my pain to Jesus and the Blessed Mother for special
Ed Recko
transporting Our Lady on a pedistal with five other
men during the 1999 May Crowning Procession |
twenty-five days I went to an orthopedic doctor. The doctor examined my
leg, shook his head, took the X-ray and said it’s not broken but
fractured. A piece of the bone is broken off and it doesn't look too good.
He gave me some pills although he didn't know why it looked so bad. He
told me to contact him immediately if it got any worse. The pills didn't
do me any good.
At that moment I
knew I had to go to the holy grounds in Bayside.
It was the vigil at
the beginning of December 1997. At this time my leg was swollen all the
way to the groin. At the spot where it was fractured, it was so swollen
that it looked as if the skin was going to break open. While driving to
Bayside I forgot all about the pain and somehow got there very quickly.
From the parking lot I made my way to the holy ground on crutches. When I
sat down I felt very good, though it was very cold and windy.
I began to pray,
forgetting about the pain in my leg. I was totally consumed in prayer and
before I realized it, the Vigil was over. I got up and walked on my
crutches to my car. Somehow the walking was very easy; different than when
I arrived for the vigil. My thoughts were just to get home as soon as
All of sudden I had
this feeling as if someone said to me, “How is your leg?” When I
thought about it, I felt very well, as if I was cured. I thought that as
long as I had the Blessed Mother from Bayside for a doctor, I should feel
confident that everything would be alright. As soon as I got home I looked
at my legs. I could not believe my eyes. Both my legs were the same now.
They weren't the
same when I left the house. My leg was red like fire which means the
beginning of gangrene and now it was gone. I stood up and nothing hurt.
Before Christmas Eve
arrived I could walk on my own without crutches. It was such a great joy
for me. I was really cured!
Thank You a thousand times Our Lady of the Roses from Bayside for taking
my sick old leg and giving me a new healthy one. I can walk again. All my
friends are a witness to this fact.
Harrison, NJ
March 19, 1999
Dear St. Michael’s,
We have three cats,
two of which do not get along. The other night one cat chased the other
cat, Pepper, down the cellar. After searching the cellar for about six
hours (we could hear her crying) we came to the conclusion that the poor
cat had somehow climbed into the wall of our house. After much calling for
Pepper I finally went to bed and fell into a restless sleep.
animals of those who have remained of well spirit will be taken
care of."
Our Lady, June 12,
1976 |
2 a.m. I heard Pepper crying again—the sound came from inside my living
room wall which is upstairs from the cellar.
I ran into the
cellar and called Pepper hoping that the sound of my voice would lead her
back to me. But after an hour of calling I went back to bed, but this time
I asked God, Our Lady of the Roses and St. Michael to guard and guide my
cat to safety.
At 5:30 a.m., Pepper
jumped on my daughter’s bed (3rd floor). She was fine. We cannot
understand how she got there.
I know it might sound so trivial praying for a cat but our cats are like
family members to us. I found great comfort when I gave my worry to Heaven
and am pleased to have such a quick and safe outcome.
I promised Our Lady
that if Pepper came back to us safe and sound I would send St Michael’s
World Apostolate $100. Needless to say, Pepper has become a friendlier cat
since this ordeal. I had to share this story with you.
Taunton, MA
Oct. 6, 1999
I got your
publication in front of the house of sin—once known as the Museum of the
County of Kings. Your protest was all that kept me from becoming
physically sick at the thought of our Blessed Mother profaned in such a
way with the offal of a beast. Now I must learn more of the revelations
you have delivered to us.
Jamaica, NY
Feb. 19, 1999
Dear workers,
My son Francis was
throwing up for three days straight. I used a new St. Michael’s rose
petal on him and asked Veronica to help him. He immediately felt better
and the symptoms never came back.
Thankfully to
Veronica of the Cross,
Amsterdam, NY
& Comfort
May 1999
I have been
listening to you on radio station WROL, Boston, Mass. on Sunday mornings
at 6:30 a.m. My husband just passed away—a few weeks ago—and your
program has given me peace during the mornings, along with God’s
blessings for me each day. God bless you.
Allston, MA
More Limping
April 14, 1999
Dear St. Michael’s workers,
I had an injury from
a fall at work on November 23, 1994 which left me with a lot of pain on my
left side. I went to therapy and the chiropractor gave me treatments.
Still I always had pain, sometimes excruciating. The doctor gave me pills
for the pain and still it did not help.
On August 1, 1998,
Vigil in honor of Veronica of the Cross, I placed a rose petal on my left
side and I said a prayer
to Veronica. I said, “Please ask the Blessed Mother to heal me because
the doctors cannot do it and I can’t take it anymore.”
When I left the holy
grounds I felt better. By morning I had no pain. After the third day I
still had no more pain, then I knew it was a miracle and I told everyone
where I work because they use to see me limping. Now I walk regular.
Thank you Jesus and
Mary. And thank you Veronica of the Cross. Also thank you St Michael’s
World Apostolate for being faithful and true to the Blessed Mother’s
Long Island City, NY
July 9, 1999
Dear St. Michael’s,
I recently received
the last newsletter and was touched to see such a beautiful building that
the Order has purchased.
God bless.
Fall River, MA
Dec. 26, 1998
Dear St. Michael’s,
The day before
Thanksgiving my mother suffered a slight stroke. She was left with no
long-lasting deficits, thankfully. But she was dizzy all the time,
staggering and getting no rest. Medication helped somewhat but she still
got no full relief. The doctor just said it would take time.
One day I received a
mailing from you and I thought, “I wonder where that rose petal is?” I
found it in my prayer book. I gave it to my mom and asked her to put it
under her pillow. The next day she told me that she had slept better than
she had in months and that her dizziness had completely disappeared. I
believed before, but this was incredible! Thank you, Jesus and Mary! Thank
you, St. Michael’s!
Strong, PA
& Free
July 16, 1999
Dear Michael Mangan,
In 1988 I went to
the Anniversary Vigil. I was sitting in sick circle and there was a man
there next to me that didn’t have any legs. Well, during the Vigil, Our
dear Veronica came over and touched the man with her crucifix and I
thought at the time if I could only reach over and touch the hem of her
skirt I would be relieved of my addictions—like the woman in the Bible
who touched the hem of Jesus’ gown, she was healed. But instead I begged
Blessed Mother to take away all want of drinking and using drugs, and
since that Vigil I have been clean and free of alcohol and drugs and I
have no desire for them. I believe Our Lady cured me.
Yakima, WA
a Story
July 1999
Dear workers,
Congratulations on
your victory in obtaining that grand building for your mission. What a
story! Keep the faith!
M. Callan
Vienna, OH
Michael’s Radio Show
Aug. 1999
I caught your
program on radio WWVA. A woman who’s name was Veronica was speaking of
predictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am enclosing a donation for this
tape. Thank you.
R. Koundry
Stratford, CT
March 4, 1999
St. Michael’s,
In Atlantic City on
the boardwalk, Wednesday, March 3, I was greeted by a very nice lady and
she gave me your radio program and Virgin Mary Speaks flyer.
Thank you ever so much. It made me examine my conscience and gave me a
true feeling of love.
Lehigh Valley, PA
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