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Annunciation This is the great Festival of the Incarnation, commemorating the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to Our Lady that the Divine Son of God, the Word, would take human nature upon Him in her virginal womb. Its date is determined by that of Christmas Day, and as the day which marked the beginning of Christian dispensation it was for many centuries regarded as the first day of the civil year. On this day the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, uniting for evermore our human nature to the Divine nature. The Mystery of the Incarnation brings vividly before us the boundless condescension and humility of God the Son in stooping to our condition in order to be our Savior. Equally it proclaims the glory and greatness of Mary, who was chosen to give to the Divine Word human flesh and human birth, and so to cooperate with God in the restoration of mankind. Hence her most glorious title of "Mother of God," which explains all her glories, her sanctity and her honor.
Updated Wednesday, March 12, 2003 |