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Nation Divided
by David
message of Bayside has spoken of a time of trial and civil unrest that is
coming to America.
light of the recent presidential election, we would do well to consider
the following prophecy from Our Lady, as it was given to Veronica of the
Cross on October 6, 1980: “Your country, the United States, My child,
shall have great trial—the winter and the wars. There shall be internal
strife in your government, and your streets will become running with
know from the message that all prophecy given is conditional to man’s
response, meaning, that we as a nation have it within our power to appease
God’s anger and avert the coming disaster through a favorable response
to the message.
Our Lady says that we as a nation are calling down upon ourselves the hand
of God by our present day ordinance of legalized murder—the killing of
the unborn through abortion. And especially, too, with the recent
government approval of RU486, the abortion pill, this has killed any hopes
for a reprieve.
As such, God’s grace and protection is now being withdrawn from our
country—the major prophecies are ready to unfold. In the words of Our
Lady: “Your country, America the beautiful, shall know hunger. Your
country, America the beautiful, shall know revolution. The just shall be
crucified. Evil shall run rampant, My children.” (June
1, 1978)
retrospect, we see that the American Civil War prefigured that time in the
last days when our nation would be torn and divided from within.
the present division is giving the enemies of our country something to
lick their chops over. As Our Lady has said, “The eyes of the world are
on North America.” (June
18, 1981) The enemy watches
and waits for the day when America the beautiful will finally crumble and
cave in with moral decay and strife.
Needless to say, we are looking at a well-planned conspiracy to bring this
country under subjection. In the message of April 5, 1975, Our Lady said,
“Riots in your streets will become commonplace, My children, when the
enemies of God bring about your complete fall.” With a situation like
this, the enemy could then rush in and rope us off.
Lady has spoken of a coming red invasion from Nicaragua on June 18, 1987:
“Let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the
capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are
plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of
destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into
Mexico, and thereupon into the United States.”
Our Lady says that the agents of Russia have been eye-balling our country
for years, because they have a plan to take over. But even so, Our Lady
says that the greatest danger to our country lies in the fact that we have
already been invaded from within.
A satanic group known as the Illuminati is firmly entrenched in our
government and has control of our country’s media. And they will use the
media to focus the public eye on whatever hornet’s nest they decide to
kick up, while at the same time diverting our attention away from those
hidden dangers they don’t want us to see, including those dangers going
on right now in and around our borders.
For years Our Lady has warned that our country has been surrounded by
Russian submarines and missiles. They’re just waiting for that opportune
time when they can seize upon the situation, and take our country. So we
have to pray now that the present situation improves.
June 18, 1978, Our Lady said, “You will all keep a constant vigilance of
prayer going throughout your world and your country. The United States of
America, My children, without repentance, without restoration of godliness
in the government and in the homes, the United States shall feel the first
great devastation of its existence.”
The presidential battle was undoubtedly a harbinger of the “first great
devastation.” Whether this devastation takes place or is delayed will
depend on us as Jesus warned on July 15, 1976: “Your country, the United
States, is standing now, has placed itself upon a brink, a road to
disaster. Much will depend upon your free will of exercising the power to
place in your government men of God or men of dark secrets. Pray for your
government and your leaders; pray that you choose wisely, for your country
will be in chaos.”
is the moderator for St. Michael’s radio program
and organizer for Los Angeles, Calif.
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