Offering of Sunday Holy Hour for election of pope
Statement from SMWA on Pope John Paul II's death |
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Good pope or anti-pope? |
efore and during
this conclave, we all have to pray our hearts out in the hope that Holy
Mother Church is blessed with a good Pope or we may be cursed with the
“anti-pope of history.” That’s the bottom line.
Indeed we are in the midst of a great crisis but we also have the answer
from Our Lady: “Pray and pray again.” The power of prayer is immeasurable.
It worked for the 1978 conclave when, instead of getting an antichrist
pope, we were gifted with the illustrious Pope John Paul II.
On the following two pages are enlightening excerpts from the Message from
Heaven. Some of the messages pertain to the 1978 conclaves, but what Our
Lady and Our Lord said then is even truer now and more urgent, too, with
the acceleration of evil in the past 27 years.
This is a desperate situation that requires a desperate outpouring of
love. Let our extra prayers, sacrifices, fastings, Masses, Rosaries and
works of charity rise now to the Father for the next few weeks.
We did it before in 1978, let’s do it again in 2005.
(Special Rosary Vigil) |
“The fate of humanity and the world lies in the
hands and the hearts of the faithful.”
Our Lady, Sept. 7, 1985 |
Our Lady: “I come to you with great sadness of heart to counsel you, as
your Mother, to pray a constant vigilance of prayer now in your country
and in all the countries upon earth. I cannot at this time urge you
enough, My children, to pray and pray again, that these prayers rising to
the Eternal Father in Heaven may reverberate throughout the world and into
the hearts of those who will place upon the Seat of Peter a new pope. And
My children, unless you pray, upon the Seat of Peter will be placed 666,
the agent of hell in human form. . . .”
Jesus: “This has been a time in history most crucial to the lives of
mankind and the well-being of My House, My Church upon earth. . . .
“Lucifer and his agents, the forces of 666 that now are ready to enter
upon the Seat of Peter. . . .
“Pray for your bishops; pray for your cardinals. And My children, you must
keep a constant vigilance of prayer going until the Seat of Peter is
filled. Woe to the man who rejects the counsel of My Mother! A Church in
darkness wears a band of death about it.”
August 14, 1978
“Before the forming of the coming council, the conclave, you will all pray
daily the beads of prayer, the Rosary, that the Seat of Peter shall not be
covered in darkness. . . .
children, you will continue now with your prayers of atonement. Pray
constantly for your cardinals in Rome. The outcome of the council will be
the deciding focal point for the coming of the Warning and great
Chastisement to mankind.”
Our Lady, August 19, 1978
Our Lady: “My children, a conclave shall start, and without prayers you
will receive one on the Seat of Peter, one with dark spirits, consorting
with the devil. . . .”
Jesus: “You will seek for the Seat of Peter a man of justice. Politics and
money shall not guide you as it has in the past! You will seat in the Seat
of Peter a man of piety, a man who has not extinguished the Faith, and a
man who accepts the truth from the beginning, not seeking change!”
October 6, 1978
“The Holy Roman Catholic Church of My Son will stand. The members shall be
reduced to few. Only a remnant, My child, shall carry the banner Faithful
and True. But the gates of hell shall fight a heavy battle against My
Son’s Church, but they shall not succeed.”
Our Lady, May 14, 1977
Veronica: Our Lady now is desperately trying to take Her mantle from both
sides and stand on the Basilica [St. Peter’s]. All about Her, I see faces,
hundreds of faces, shocked faces, tears crying and falling upon the
“What is this, Blessed Mother?”
Lady: “My child, you are looking into Rome on that horrendous day when the
Holy Father shall leave you. I say ‘shall’ because the message is being
rejected in Rome. The previous messages about this carnage to the Holy See
and the Holy Father have been taken with a manner of laughter. Too late
will they laugh and refer to My visitation in New York as being absurd.”
September 14, 1985 |
“Do not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: satan. Their
master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I
repeat: it is a ruse.”
Our Lady, December 18, 1991
*the so-called fall of communism in
“The plan . . . of communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal City,
gain control in politics in a manner to control the world. They seek to
overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and atheism.”
Our Lady, October 6, 1976
“Return now to Tradition or you will fall! Rome will fall! You will give
yourselves over to the enemy.
“Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome. I beg unto you as your
Mother to listen now while there is time. Bishops, cardinals in Rome, a
plan is set afoot against you. Many have entered from the socialist–the
Union of Socialist Republic, Russia, have entered the Church to destroy
Our Lady, November 20, 1978
“The forces of communism are gaining and will enter upon the Seat of
Peter. You will recognize, My children, by the directions that shall come
from Rome.”
Our Lady, March 25, 1978
“The Brown Bear of communism, of red orientation, will seek to . . . place
on the Seat of Peter a communist puppet known by all as the White Bear. .
. . Disaster lies ahead in Rome if this happens.”
Jesus, June 18, 1991 |
“My House, My Church upon earth is passing through a trial far greater
than any in past history. Lucifer and his agents now are working with
diligence and are most successful at this moment in their striving to
topple the Seat of Peter and to place in Rome a pope that is the anti-pope
of history.
assure you, My children, that if you continue on your present course, you
shall receive this anti-pope. . . . You need a strong pope, a true Holy
Father in Rome.”
Jesus, June 18, 1978
“I counseled you in My visitation to the children at La Salette that
unless you pray, satan shall enter into the holy city of Rome, and satan
shall set himself beside My Son’s altar! Who cared to listen to My
counsel? Pride! Man filled with pride. Pride is a major sin in the hearts
of man. And pride always came before the fall!
counseled you at Fatima, and who gave My counsel to the world? Pride and
arrogance anew! A secret was to be revealed, and who counseled and
prepared the world to the onslaught of satan into My Son’s House? No one!”
Our Lady, December 31, 1977
“666 has entered into Rome, the Eternal City, seeking to set upon the
Chair of Peter an agent of hell! My Church, My House upon earth, shall not
crumble by the onslaught of satan! It will be a good and just battleground
allowed by the Eternal Father for separating the wheat from the chaff.”
Jesus, June 16, 1977
“Yes, a man of dark secrets and spirit will be placed upon the Seat of
Peter. Those who have the light know a true Vicar, but those who are in
darkness will work for Lucifer.”
Jesus, October 6, 1978
Veronica: I know they’re demons. . . . They all are looking about with a
smug look of satisfaction on their faces. . . . So evil, mean! Now one is
pointing over–oh, he’s pointing over, and I can see St. Peter’s, the
cathedral. . . . He has this large, red cardinals hat in his hand. He
said: “I will sit upon the throne of Peter, and I will destr-o-y the
Church of God!”
. . . Now he’s being joined by two human beings. Oh, my goodness! Oh! Oh,
I see him actually...infusing into him! He’s entering into him!
April 14, 1973
Veronica: If you think things are going crazy now wait until you see what
happens if he gets into the Seat of Peter. It will be like absolute mass
April 18, 1976
“The forces are gathering to bring about the capitulation of the Seat of
Peter to communism and atheism, all promoted in the name of humanism. My
children, all this is coming about fast because man has neglected
sacrifice and prayer. . . .
“The state of your world has been reduced by the immorality. The state of
your world is capitulating now to all of the forces of the octopus that
will seek to bring about a one-world religion and a one-world government
under a supreme dictator of evil.”
Our Lady, March 18, 1978 |
Q & A |
John Paul II the pope that was supposed to flee before the Warning?
Jesus said, “When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in
Rome, when you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another
land, know that the time is ripe”
(September 14, 1976). This message was
actually given during Pope Paul VI’s pontificate, but as you can see Jesus
never named the pope, although many would, naturally, assume it was John
Paul II.
Does this
prophecy above still hold?
Presumably. Although everything hinges on prayers and who emerges from
this conclave–is it a good guy or a bad guy?
Didn’t Our
Lady say that all prophecy is conditional?
Absolutely. Jesus and Mary have said it a thousand times: “All prophecy,
My children, all warnings have been conditional, conditional to man’s
response” (Our Lady, June 24, 1976).
That’s why prophecy can be a little tricky at times. We don’t see what God
sees. Besides, the purpose of prophecy is not about instant fulfillment or
punishment, but to warn the world of the consequences if we don’t listen,
make amends, etc. If we didn’t get a chance, what good is a warning or
prophecy? |
Statement on Pope John Paul's death |