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St. Michael Celebration Weekend PHOTO REPORT

September 26-27, 2015
Our Lady of the Roses Shrine


On Saturday, September 26, 175 devotees participated in a procession and Vigil at the sacred grounds in honor of St. Michael, our glorious patron and guardian.


"The men have been asked to wear a white hat with the emblem stating 'Saint Michael' imprinted upon it."

Jesus, June 4, 1977


A miraculous photo taken during the procession.


"A religious foundation must be given to all of the children, the young of the world. Without this foundation of religion, paganism takes over, and soon you will see a major increase in murders and all form of abominations."

Our Lady, Nov. 24, 1979


Another miraculous photo.


"Jesus sends His emissary down to strengthen you in the battle. Michael will stand beside all who call; for he is the leader, the warrior chosen by God for His army."

Our Lady, Dec. 31, 1970


"And the great issue now of homosexuality in your country, that shall be on the balance that Michael holds. Unless this balance is evened by removing this evil from your country and bringing in just laws to prevent the spread of homosexuality, you cannot be saved. Your country cannot be saved."

Jesus, Nov. 1, 1985

Rosary Vigil

"You pastors who have rejected Michael as the guardian of the Faith and My Son's House, you must return him in prayer and visual sight, his monuments, his statues to My Son's House, Church."

Our Lady, June 18, 1976


175 prayer warriors honoring the great Archangel and our glorious patron.


Gift Shop  Rosaries, medals and other sacramentals are available at our service area.
For our Gift Shop online, click here.

The Message from Heaven, including Heaven Speaks Today and Your Letters, was available in the thousands for free as the pilgrims loaded up so they could evangelize their hometown. To receive all the latest news and developments from the Bayside Mission at no cost, just fill out the form and you'll receive our mailings and regular eAlerts.


The blessing of Jesus and Mary


"There will be a great War, and at the time of this crisis will return the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Prepare yourself now, for the time for your earth grows short. A great change will soon take place."

St. Michael, Nov. 20, 1972


All the pilgrims raise candles to honor Our Lady
of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers repeating
the words:

Mary, Light of the World, pray for us
Our Lady of the Roses, pray for us
Mary, Help of Mothers, pray for us


Special gift  After the Vigil, all the pilgrims lined up to venerate the crucifix kissed by Our Lady.

Sunday Holy Hour

"My children, you must use the Exorcism of Saint Michael constantly, daily in your lives, for those who knock upon your door now may be evil."

Our Lady, Oct. 6, 1977


"Your homes are protected by a supernatural being, with Saint Michael, the head of the armies from Heaven."

Our Lady, July 1, 1985


"Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! How many warnings shall go out to mankind before he acknowledges his sin and does penance for His God, a God most merciful and just, Whose heart is torn asunder by an ungrateful generation which has given itself to all manner of depravity and defilement of his soul!"

St. Michael, Dec. 27, 1975


"You are not alone, My child. As the battle accelerates, you will find many companionable spirits. The joy of unity will be among you."

Our Lady, Dec. 24, 1976

Special Meeting

After the Holy Hour, we had our special meeting in honor of St. Michael at the Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel.


SMWA President Michael Mangan, delivering a fascinating behind-the-scenes look on the first bishop ever, a high-ranking Archbishop at that, to visit the sacred grounds.


A captivated audience.


Michael Lucci of Brooklyn, N.Y., reporting on his recent papal mission to Rome.


John Benevides, LOSM showing all of the latest amazing cryptic photos on the big screen.


Kiara Bauer of Elysburg, Penn., choosing the winners of the Meeting Raffle.


Mary Ellen Panek of Huntington, N.Y., won a beautiful picture of Our Lady of the Roses.


Cutting the cake  Thank you so much! for all your help in making St.Michael's Celebration Weekend an unforgettable one. Whether it was your prayers, Masses, gifts, participation, volunteering or all of the above, your contribution was indispensible. We couldn't have done it without you.


Be there on Saturday, October 24 for the Vigil of Christ the King.
For more info, click here


Dear Michael and Lay Order
of St. Michael,
      It was a well-deserved, inspiring weekend for our glorious patron, St. Michael the Archangel, who was duly honored.
      Here's my tax-deductible gift which is truly needed to help cover the considerable expenses of this important and worthwhile event; and for upcoming Vigils, too.
      Thank you in advance.


Your comments on this report are appreciated
SMWA photos by John Benevides, LOSM,
and Darryl Bolisay, LOSM.
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