St Michael's World Apostolate, SMWA

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Candlelight Procession & Rosary Vigil in honor of
St. Michael the Archangel


On Saturday, September 25, St Michael's World Apostolate held a procession/Vigil at the sacred grounds in honor of St. Michael, our glorious patron and guardian. The feast day of this powerful archangel is on September 29.


"But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who stands for the children of your people: and a time shall come, such as never was from the time that nations began, even until that time. And at that time shall your people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book."  - Daniel 12:1

Maria Castricum, 15, of Budd Lake, N.J.

250 prayer warriors honoring the great archangel on this warm and windy evening


Angela Urquia of Kearney, N.J. leading the Spanish Rosary.

A miraculous photo with golden Rosary beads signifying the reparative prayer that rises from these holy grounds and is so pleasing to Heaven.


SMWA President Michael Mangan, giving a brief, stirring address on St. Michael. To hear this address; and also the Rosaries, a brief audio clip from the May 14, 1977 Message and more,
click here


Vigil Coordinator, James Donohue, LOSM and Bill Dykes, LOSM, singing traditional hymns, including our patronal hymn, Archangel Michael.


"Jesus sends His emissary down to strengthen you in the battle. Michael will stand beside all who call; for he is the leader, the warrior chosen by God for His army."

Our Lady, Dec. 31, 1970


Each Vigil at 9 p.m., during a solemn interval, the pilgrims kneel and raise their Rosary to Heaven invoking the powerful intercession of Jesus and Mary.


"There will be a great War, and at the time of this crisis will return the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Prepare yourself now, for the time for your earth grows short. A great change will soon take place."

St. Michael, Nov. 20, 1972


To conclude the St. Michael Vigil, all the pilgrims raise candles, repeating the words:

Mary, Light of the World, pray for us
Our Lady of the Roses, pray for us
Mary, Help of Mothers, pray for us


Dear Michael and Lay Order
of St. Michael,
      It was a well-deserved, inspiring Vigil for our glorious patron, St. Michael the Archangel, who was duly honored.
      Here's my tax-deductible gift which is truly needed to help cover the considerable expenses of this important and worthwhile event; and for upcoming Vigils, too.
      Thank you in advance.


Your comments on this report are appreciated

SMWA photos by Darryl Bolisay, LOSM


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