Message of Our Lady and Our Lord to Veronica of the Cross
told Mother Godinho the famous Third Secret
A momentous Fatima
3, 1991
Feast of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
Early this afternoon at 12:12 p.m., as Veronica lay on her living room
couch resting from her debilitating health problems that have plagued her
for years, St. Theresa the Little Flower suddenly appeared to her.
The popular French Carmelite nun, who was declared a saint by the Roman
Catholic Church in 1925, and whose feast day is traditionally celebrated
today, revealed only her face to Veronica. She was bathed in a brilliant
light, with a youthful, contented, yet serious appearance about her.
"Honor the salutation at all times: Glory be to the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost.
"The peoples of the earth have not progressed satisfactorily in the
plan for the salvation of their souls. Prayer, penance, atonement we ask
of all. The time grows short.
"All honor and glory must be given to the Trinity. Hasten, harken,
and listen, for I shall not repeat this call again."
Theresa of Lisieux
Theresa then proceeded to reveal a great secret to Veronica.
A simple illustration showing the tremendous import of the Third
Secret of Fatima. Lucifer and his cohorts, 666, executed a
masterstroke when they penetrated and then possessed cardinals
from the highest levels in Rome. Surrounded then by many evil
agents, the Pope's power and influence is virtually negated.
Because of
the nature and government of the Church, Lucifer is able to
implement and set in motion his plan of destruction. His deceptive
measures, cunning ways, and subtleties are filtered down through
the ranks and throughout the universal Church causing confusion
and discouragement with many and a false sense of progress and
enlightenment with others.
In the name
of peace, love, and brotherhood, faith and morals are questioned,
compromised, and even rejected. And much of this under the
appearance of the Pope's approval and blessing.
Our Lord on
August 15, 1971: "Satan has done his work of folly well. Yes,
Satan has gone into the highest positions in My House, but he will
not triumph. In the final count the victory will be with Us, for
he will only proceed as My Father deems." |
Now as we are in the latter days, when many things hidden are to be
revealed, St. Theresa has made known through Veronica an astonishing
revelation: little Jacinta actually confided the famous Third Secret of
Fatima to Mother Godinho, a pious lady who was caring for her during her
final illness. Mother Godinho was instructed by Jacinta to pass a message
on to a certain priest designated by Our Lady, but tragically failed in
the mission entrusted to her for reasons disclosed by St. Theresa to
Veronica. (Actually, Veronica is not permitted to release all that St.
Theresa revealed to her, but the report below represents a significant
Two nights later, restless and unable to sleep, Veronica was pondering the
startling facts which St. Theresa had brought to light, when she was
inspired to seek out Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity's monumental and
authoritative work on Fatima, The Whole Truth About Fatima.
Volume II
contains a detailed account of the little seer's painful illness and her
death. Much of the information that follows is taken from this source.
In Appendix II of Chapter IV is the text of a message given to Canon
Manuel Formigao by Mother Godinho at Jacinta's request. Canon Formigao was
Jacinta's confessor, a very holy priest, and he believed wholeheartedly in
the apparitions.
Appendix III lists what the author calls an "apocryphal
message," one which he and other Fatima experts believe may not be
authentic. It is in the form of a letter sent by Mother Godinho to Pope
Pius XII in 1954. The letter does exist, and was actually sent to the Holy
Father, but Brother Michael in his commentary lists several reasons for
doubting the truth of the message.
clarification given by St. Theresa sheds new light on both of these
messages from Mother Godinho, and shows that instead of two separate
messages, there was really only one message and it was to have been given
in its entirety to Canon Formigao, who would then pass it on to the Holy
Maria of the Purification Godinho was the directress and foundress--hence
referred to as Mother--of the orphanage of Our Lady of Miracles in Lisbon,
where Jacinta stayed for some time during her final illness prior to
entering the hospital for surgery. Mother Godinho had gathered a community
of women around her who lived as religious but without the habit and
without official recognition.
She had
hoped to found an order of nuns, a dream she clung to with tenacity all
her life, despite the fact that her bishop repeatedly refused to grant her
the necessary authorization. Apparently, he felt that despite her obvious
good intentions, she did not possess the qualities needed to carry out
such an undertaking.
Shortly before her death, Jacinta had asked repeatedly that Canon Formigao
be called to her bedside, explaining that Our Lady had appeared to her and
given a message to be related to him. Unfortunately, the good priest was
unable to come at once, and arrived a few days after her death.
Meanwhile, Jacinta, knowing she was to die, gave the message to Mother
Godinho, asking her to relate it to the Canon.
Upon the arrival of Canon Formigao, Mother Godinho met with him and
repeated to him the first part of little Jacinta's message. It concerned a
chastisement predicted for Portugal, especially the city of Lisbon, in
punishment for the sins and crimes committed in that country.
As Mother Godinho later testified, Jacinta explained that the prophecy of
the Blessed Mother was conditional: "If there were souls who would do
penance and make reparation for the offenses done to God, and works of
reparation were instituted to make satisfaction for crimes, the
chastisement would be prevented."
How these
words must have rung in her ears, and fueled her burning ambition to found
a religious order! There would be no problem with Mother Godinho in
relaying the first part, as it fit neatly into her plans. However, the
remaining part of the message would be a different story. She kept that
part as her own secret, seeking all the while her bishop's approval.
Finally, in 1954, at the age of seventy-six, she wrote to the Holy Father,
Pope Pius XII, daring to present her proposed order of Franciscan nuns as
the express wish of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tailoring the remainder of
the secret message to fit her dreams.
The first two paragraphs of her letter were devoted to an ardent appeal to
the Holy Father for the authorization she so anxiously sought. When we
omit all of the many references to herself and her proposed religious
order, what remains--from what we have learned now--is a distorted message
undoubtedly mingled with truths, but definitely devoid of the heart of the
Third Secret.
We know
that the little seers of Fatima were subjected to all sorts of ridicule
and disbelief, as well as endless questioning from the authorities. Mother
Godinho realized this and knew that to make public all of the very
startling message Our Lady gave to Jacinta might make her the object of
similar scrutiny, jeopardizing her goal of founding an order of nuns.
Therefore, according to St. Theresa, she omitted the most crucial part of
the message.
We all know that the famous Third Secret of Fatima was supposed to be
publicly revealed in 1960, but to this day lies buried in the Vatican
archives. Unknown until now is the fact that it was also buried in the
ground in 1960 when Mother Godinho went to her grave!
Yes, according to the revelation of St. Theresa, the Third Secret was an
integral part of the final message Our Lady gave to Jacinta for Canon
Formigao. Knowing she would die soon, Jacinta revealed it to Mother
Godinho to pass on to Canon Formigao.
Mother Godinho was only an intermediary; the message was not intended for
her at all. However, grasping at a chance to further her own ambitions,
she gave the good priest only the part concerning Portugal and kept the
rest to herself.
For Our
Lady once more revealed to Jacinta, shortly before her death in February
1920, what is really the essence of the Third Secret of Fatima: that
666, satan, the forces of antichrist, would enter the highest realms of
the hierarchy in Rome beginning in the year 1972!
Given human weakness and Mother Godinho's obsession, it would seem that
this prediction of an event which was unlikely to be fulfilled in her
lifetime actually served to increase her delusion. Of course, she never
did get her religious order.
Our Lady told Veronica that for this infidelity Mother Godinho suffered in
purgatory for eight years, until the year 1968.
Now we
know from Our Lady's messages that beginning in 1972, Pope Paul VI was
kept a virtual prisoner in the Vatican. Some ecclesiastics in the highest
positions of the hierarchy, being infiltrators or having fallen from
grace, drugged the good Pope, censored his mail, forged his documents, and
finally staged an impostor to complete their sinister plan.
Pope Paul himself gave the world an indication of this terrible situation
on June 29, 1972, when he said: "From some fissure the smoke of satan
entered into the Temple of God." Though it was generally unknown at
the time, he truly had much to suffer.
While Fatima watchers were waiting to see a great catastrophe in the world
in the year 1972, as predicted in Mother Godinho's letter, Pope Paul was
beginning his silent, heroic martyrdom as he watched Jesus' beloved Church
being demolished from within.
It is
precisely a horrible situation like this that underscores the importance
and necessity of prayer and more prayer for cardinals, bishops, and clergy
of all ranks. And so it is since September 1972--not coincidentally--we
have conducted a
Holy Hour for priests every Sunday.
In conclusion, one can only wonder what the scenario would be today if
only Mother Godinho had followed through correctly. Would the Third Secret
have been publicly released by now? Would this knowledge have thwarted or
at least hampered the evil designs of those who sought to destroy the
Church--a Church which today lies in shambles? Would the Second Vatican
Council have been even considered, much less convened? Or if it were, with
a different agenda?
L O C U T I O N S*
Theresa, October 7, 1991 1 PM
"You shall carry this
Secret, unveiled now, to all the world. It is not by
chance that you were given this Mission. |
"Remember Action Saints'
Renewal |
"** |
was directed to make an exclamation point using a bishop's
mitre and a ball. |
of the Trinity, October 8,1991 3:10 PM
"You have received now the facts in
truth. Give this message to the world. It is already late for the
redemption of mankind. Only those who carry the Banner of Faithful
and True shall be saved!
"Will you be counted in the few?!
"Prayer, penance, and atonement we
ask of you!"
communication from God (often through angels and/or saints) to the
ear or directly to the intellect.
**A poem given by St. Theresa through Veronica. |
Polaroid photo taken of Shrine statue on September 14, 1971, in
which Jacinta from Heaven miraculously--during development--writes
"Jacinta 1972." After snapping the photo, Robert F. stated
that as he awaited development, he heard a snap, a crack, and then
felt like his fingers that were holding the picture had been hit by
an electrical current.
additional information on the "Jacinta" photo, see our miraculous
photo library.
Also, an
illustration to aid you in following the message of Jesus as
repeated below. The bold letters state "a-c" "i-n-t-o.
" The mitre (turn counter clock-wise to the left) is formed by
the tail of the "a" and the number "2. " It was
God's will that this most important message be made known, and so
be-cause Mother Godinho failed to divulge it, Jacinta had to come
and reveal it herself. |
are a few excerpts from the messages of Bayside which shed a
bright light from Heaven on this cataclysmic situation in
the Church:
"Now this, My child, will bring much consternation from
the clergy. Look upward, My child, and tell the world what
you see."
I see the picture of "Jacinta 1972."
"And what is in this picture, My child? Repeat."
I see the letters very heavily penciled over by Jacinta when
she wrote this message. It says-one part of the message--
there are five parts to the "Jacinta 1972"
picture, but one part says: "A-C INTO, I-N-T-0, mitres
"Repeat that well, My child."
"Antichrist into mitres 1972."
October 2,1989
gave you the picture. I wrote on your picture. I did not
know how to write much on earth, but I wrote. Our Father
showed me how to write. Won't you give everyone my picture?
I want them to remember what I tried to tell them."
Jacinta, Feb.
1, 1973
will stand behind your Vicar. The agents of hell surround
Our Lady, May
30, 1973
has been forgotten. They have buried My message as they will
try to bury My message here on these sacred grounds."
Our Lady, July
25, 1974
Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My
Son's Church."
Our Lady, May
13, 1978
for your bishops. Pray for your priests. Obedience has now
been distorted even to cover sin. . . . Michael was cast
out, and now satan has free reign to roam."
Our Lady, May
13, 1978
and his agents, the band of 666, has entered into the
highest places of the hierarchy and therefore he has
captured some of Our formerly noble hierarchy to do his
Our Lady, June
1, 1978
Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972.
He cut off the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul
VI. Lucifer has controlled Rome, and continues this control
Our Lady, Sept
7, 1978
the Holy City of Rome, many Red Hats have now be-come the
Judases in the hierarchy. As men of the cross they have now
won for themselves the title of 'evil men of the cross.'
Our Lady,
Sept. 13, 1978
from your slumber, clergy in My Son's Church, for you will
also be counted among the least. In pride and arrogance you
have refused My counsel from Heaven. You have turned away
from Me. You have persecuted those I have sent to you."
Our Lady, June
18, 1981