Charismatic Renewal
Heaven Speaks Today, No.
Important info in 3 minutes (or less)
HE Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is only a
recent phenomenon. It began in 1967 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Penn.,
when two Catholic faculty members received “baptism in the spirit” at a local
Protestant Pentecostal gathering and in the process violated Church law which
forbade Catholics from participating in non-Catholic worship or ceremonies.
The CCR then spread like wildfire across the U.S. and the globe,
fueled by the misguided enthusiasm of many priests, bishops, and cardinals. It’s
a real eye-opener to the power the forces of darkness wield today when
representatives of Christ supposedly well-trained in theology could be taken in
by a movement that is totally incompatible with sacred Tradition, and still has
no official Church approbation.
Indeed, as Jesus and Mary have solemnly warned
here, this is a very dangerous and yes, diabolical movement that has been
concocted by the evil one to “deceive even the elect” (St. Matt. 24.24).
Although there are many good and well-intentioned adherents in the CCR, frankly,
there’s little Catholic about it. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of their
catechism should see major problems.
Space does not permit a detailed analysis
but “baptism in the spirit,” speaking in unknown tongues (a classic sign of
diabolical possession), reckless ecumenism, a false concept of grace and a
failure to test the spirits are just a few of the serious problems.
UFFICE IT TO SAY, WE have Christ’s promise from
the first Pentecost of the abiding
presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church: yesterday, today, forever. What need
then is there for this silliness of the “baptism in the spirit,” the core
component of the CCR?! It doesn’t square with the Church’s teaching.
In fact,
Pope Paul VI did condemn the CCR in various addresses from 1969-1974. And He
could not have been any clearer. For example, in 1969, he denounced “the
illusion of a free and charismatic Christianity” which “does not build, but
demolishes.” In 1972, he warned that if their erroneous thinking were to gain
ascendency within the Church, it would be tantamount to a direct attack upon
“the very existence of the Church,” leading to “extinguishing the real flame of
Pentecost, disregarding the thought of Christ and of the whole of Tradition.”
UT THEN IN 1975, “Pope Paul” in perhaps the most sensational flip-flop by a
pontiff in the history of the Church, shockingly appeared to give an endorsement
at the CCR International Conference in Rome with his performance in St. Peter’s
But not so! Here is dramatic evidence that supports Our
Lady’s stunning revelation in 1975 that good Pope Paul was laid low and replaced
by an actor/impostor by a triumvirate of evil cardinals who had seized the
This was a masterstroke by the prince of darkness—remember, Our Lady has
stressed that the spiritual Armageddon is raging now—because Pope Paul’s
apparent new stance unquestionably misled John Paul II, who (as a private
theologian) would then lend considerable support to the CCR, though often urging
E EARNESTLY PRAY for our dear brothers and sisters in the CCR that
they will receive this crucial information and these timely words of Jesus and
Mary in the manner in which they were intended: to instruct, to warn, to edify
and finally, to remove themselves from this dangerous diversion and (re)claim
that centuries-old practice of praying
the daily Rosary: “Realize the power in
your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God”
Lady, Oct. 6, 1970).
◆ ◆ ◆
written by Michael Mangan, the president of St
Michael’s World Apostolate and head of the Lay Order of St. Michael, a prayerful
community of celibate men working full-time in spreading Our Lady’s urgent
Message to the world.
In good faith
“Though their hearts may have started with good intent, this
novelty and experimentation —My children, I assure you, what you are calling
‘Pentecostals’ and calling down upon you the ‘Spirit,’ it is a devious and
insidious evil created by satan to take away from you the knowledge and the need
for the institutionalized Church.”
Jesus, May 20, 1978
Flee from gatherings
“Many call upon the Holy Spirit, My child, but the spirits they invoke are not
from Heaven and the light. They come up fast from the abyss. Flee! Have no part
of these gatherings, for they are not from the light. In time, My children, you
will evidence the disasters that these gatherings provoke. Many who should know
better have given themselves over to this diversion. You need not this
diversion. My Son is always with you in the Eucharist.”
Our Lady, June 15, 1974
New world order
“My children, understand what is happening now. It is the work
of Lucifer using human agents to remove all institutionalized churches from your
world and unite all of mankind in the name of peace and brotherhood under one
roof—and it will be a one-world religion and a one-world government.”
Our Lady,
November 25, 1978
Clergy backlash
“You will meet with much disapproval by many
of Our clergy. I prepare you for this, for many have fallen into the web of
satan, not recognizing these gatherings of Pentecostals for what they truly are:
a creation to distort and deceive.”
Our Lady, June 15, 1974
“Voices in
the millions cry, ‘love, love,’ reaching up in Charismatic renewal of what, My
children? They implore the Spirit. Why do they not implore My Son in the
Eucharist?... “Will you stand before Him, O clergy, and say that you have
prophesied for Him? And what did you do but bring in doctrines of devils into My
Son’s House! He shall take you in your defilement and cast you into the eternal
fires of hell.”
Our Lady, April 9, 1977
No instant Spirit
“You who call upon the
Spirit forcefully command the spirit of darkness, the prince of darkness, to
send his agents into you. You are treading where angels would fear to go, My
children. You cannot force the Spirit to come to you. It is a gift given at the
discretion of the Eternal Father. Stop now your meandering into regions of
Our Lady, June 18, 1976
“Many have given themselves to
disobedience of your Holy Father, your Vicar. We have asked him to condemn the
practice of calling upon the Spirit. He has followed the direction of the
Father, but many of his clergy have fallen into disobedience of your Vicar.”*
Our Lady, June 15, 1974
*One of the most notorious repeat offenders was the
“great friend and champion” of the CCR, Leo Joseph Cardinal Suenens (1904-1996).
It doesn’t speak well of the movement when its most influential voice was an
open dissenter of Humanae Vitae and a militant proponent of collegiality
(reducing substantively the Pope’s authority), radical ecumenism, wholesale
updating of the religious life, including stripping the nun of her habit, and
opening the debate on women/married priests. His well-publicized and brazen
disobedience would eventually result in a searing rebuke from Pope Paul in 1971,
which Suenens described as “the worst half-hour of my life.” He was one of four
cardinals exposed by St. Michael: “You will pray for them.... Their souls wallow
in sin. They are blinded, and they are misleading those under their rule” (Aug.
21, 1974).
“The prayers from Heaven are simple. Do not go searching
for the sensational, for you will start your prayers always with: Our Father,
Who art in Heaven..., not bla bla bla bla bla bla that We hear, My child, coming
up here.”
Our Lady, June 15, 1974
“When the Eternal Father
permitted His Apostles to speak in tongues, it was knowledgeable to all, of the
tongue, what they were speaking about. They did not go about babbling idly.”
Lady, May 28, 1977
A renewal?!
“You rebuild My Church. For what? A renewal? And
what are you renewing? What is your renewal? What are you renewing? Have you
found fault with My way?”
Jesus, February 1, 1978
The bottom line
“For the way
of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom.”
Jesus, June 18, 1981

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