

We need your help

"The greatest test of heart is how much you shall give, not how much you will receive. It is only in giving that you shall truly receive the light."
Our Lady, March 18, 1973

During this season of giving we humbly ask that you be as generous as your means permit. Whether it be $10 or $1000, your gift is important to us. And very much needed now to meet the enormous demands of our global apostolate. We depend on you. Thanks for all your sacrifices, both spiritual and financial, for Our Lady’s Mission. It’s helping save souls.

Donations to St Michael's World Apostolate are 100% tax-deductible. We can receive your offering by:

website: gift box (by credit card)
toll free orderline: 1-800-830-SMWA (by credit card)
mail: St Michael’s World Apostolate  P.O. Box 514, Bayside, NY 11361
          (by check, money order or credit card)
                                                  U.S. funds only