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Jesus and Mary chose Michael Mangan |
by John Benevides |
Heaven did not leave us without a leader when Veronica of the Cross passed over the veil, but clearly established in Michael Mangan Their choice to lead the Mission. Naturally, the appointment of Michael, now 39, didn’t happen overnight. Starting in 1978 at the age of 19, he became a full-time member of the lay Order of St. Michael, a community of celibate men dedicated to promoting the Message “to save souls and to bring God to mankind” of St. Michael, a community of celibate men dedicated to promoting the Message “to save souls and to bring God to mankind” (Jesus, June 6, 1987). And Michael was gradually prepared by Heaven for his position as leader just as Saint Theresa gradually prepared Veronica for her role as seer. Veronica developed a close relationship with Michael that grew even stronger after she appointed him director of OLR corp. in 1989 “through the guidance and direction of the Blessed Mother” (Rose Notes, No. 1, May 1989). There was daily telephone contact, often for hours at a time, that would frequently include messages for the world from Our Lady through Veronica. Sometimes the Queen of Heaven prefaced Her public message with “Tell Michael,” a clear recognition of Michael’s special role in this Mission (see Rose Notes, No. 24, June 1997). The Blessed Virgin would also answer Michael’s questions and guide him in Shrine and personal matters and would often compliment him in his work. For example, “I am very happy with the progress of the work at the office [of Michael, as explained by Veronica] and in the shop in New York....” (Oct. 13, 1990), “I am very pleased with the progress of the work. It extends much farther than you can perceive” (Oct. 4, 1993), and other occasions including the most recent one of December 20, 1994 (see Rose Notes, No. 17, March 1995). Veronica would share many of her intimate and heavenly experiences with Michael, as Our Lady instructed. The Virgin also told Veronica in July 1994 that Saint Michael the Archangel is guarding Michael. As Veronica was nearing her eternal reward, Jesus and Mary would confirm Michael’s destiny on three momentous occasions. • In a solemn discourse directed by Our Lady on January 10, 1994, Veronica asked Michael to promise three times to continue the work after her passing. • In a taped telephone interview on February 7, 1994, Veronica stated that Michael is going to be “the head of the Order of St. Michael.” Our Lady had just spoken to her the night before about this coming religious order. • With a profound gesture of her hands directed by Jesus and Mary on June 19, 1995, Veronica “hands” over to Michael her authority to the entire Mission. Veronica
“hands” over Early evening, around 8:30 p.m. we were permitted to enter Veronica’s sick room. Michael and I knelt and said some prayers at the foot of her bed. Then we approached Veronica’s right side. Arthur was on her left side seated beside her. I kissed her hands and her forehead and was stroking back her hair and I began to cry. I was taken aback in seeing her suffering so and how much weight she had lost. The look of suffering was in her whole being, but Veronica was pleased to see us. Michael asked Veronica if Our Lady had come to see her. Veronica said, “Yes,” and added that the Blessed Mother came dressed as Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers. Then Veronica stated, “They [Jesus and Mary] say I’m going to die.” Shortly thereafter all in the room began to pray with Veronica. Upon completing the prayers, Veronica extended her hands toward Michael with her fingers slightly bent, her fingertips and thumbs pointing at each other and her palms facing towards her [see simulated photo below]. Veronica said slowly, “Michael, hold onto my fingertips” [Veronica paused, Michael gently held her fingertips for a few moments], “and then let go.” Michael then let go. He then repeated her instructions as he went through the motion again. [See also Veronica of the Cross report, pg. 2 and 3.] |
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Veronica then reached up and put her hands on Michael’s face, pulled him forward and kissed him on the forehead. She did the same to me. The visit concluded with Veronica requesting Michael to “Pray for Artie.” [The lay Order of St. Michael remembers Arthur and his family every day in our community Rosaries.] With Heaven nothing is by accident, but by design. Through this profound gesture witnessed by Regina and Arthur, the scepter was “handed” over to Michael by Veronica shortly before her death, fulfilling God’s Will. As is demonstrated in Holy Scripture and the Church, hands and fingers have traditionally been used by God to transfer authority and blessing. As a member of the lay Order of St. Michael since May, 1991, and having lived and worked in this community with Michael, I have yet to meet a more faithful and true disciple of Our Lady—honest and also just. He loves this Mission and has upheld its integrity, protecting it from the snares of the devil, especially by enduring the fury of satan for “The Warning in ’97” locution (see Rose Notes, No. 23, January 1997). As a leader, he defended the Blessed Mother’s words and remained true through it all, despite the opposition—even to this day. Finally, Our Lady sums it up best in two never-before-released locutions. On November 19, 1992, at 7:32 p.m., the Virgin Mary told Veronica (who passed it on to Jim Maat, at the time a member of the lay Order of St. Michael): “You see, My child, the wisdom of Michael is to be acknowledged.” The Blessed Mother would later tell Veronica on January 10, 1994, the same day that Michael made his promises: “Michael has found his place in Heaven. Michael has led many to Heaven.” We continue to go forward with the authority vested in Michael. Almost a year has elapsed since the lay order established St Michael’s World Apostolate to carry on all the work that Our Lady and Veronica of the Cross entrusted to us in the Bayside Mission. Indeed, the work for Heaven is going full steam ahead under its chosen leader, Michael Mangan. William Dykes Jr. also contributed to this article Golden Warrior December 1998