Priest blesses Terri Schiavo
with rose petal
24, 2005, Holy Thursday
We have
some good news to report even amidst this deplorable state of affairs in
Florida and the wanton disregard for human compassion and the culture of
life. About ten days ago, the long-suffering Terri Schiavo was blessed
by Msgr. Thaddeus Malanowski with the rose petal in his hand and he
placed it also on her forehead.
What a
wonderful comfort and consolation this is for Terri and for all the
faithful knowing that this powerful instrument of grace and peace,
blessed by Jesus and His Blessed Mother on Their sacred grounds in
Bayside, touched this poor and anguished soul in her final agony.
Even if her
death is now presumably imminent because of the perverse court
decisions, Terri has been visited and refreshed from On High by Jesus
and Mary in a personal way and has been graced and strengthened for the
last leg of her torturous journey.
“No man shall murder–and it is murder, My
children, when he shall give the excuse of saying an individual is
no longer living or a part of the world because he has become
emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help of all
scientific means. The Eternal Father has placed a soul in that
body. That body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! No man can know
when that soul must return to the Eternal Father. No man shall
hasten its exit from a body by murder! Euthanasia is murder! Shall
you become a judge over the living and the dead?”
Our Lady, June 5, 1976 |
Malanowski was sent the blessed rose petal by Marion Morris, long-time
devotee and Stamford, Conn., organizer. Monsignor would often help out
in Mrs. Morris’ parish church and they have remained good friends even
after he retired to Florida. Mrs. Morris had specifically requested of
the good monsignor that he bless Terri with the rose petal and apply it
to her forehead. In their recent phone call, monsignor said he had
fulfilled both requests.
If you
follow the news, you might recognize his name. For years, he has been
the principal priest administering to Terri’s spiritual needs (or trying
to). He has encountered great opposition from many sides and has even
been barred from Terri’s hospital room. As we write this now he is not
allowed to give Terri Viaticum.
We commend
the monsignor for his courage and faith, especially for his good work
with the rose petal.
We have
been storming Heaven with prayers and Rosaries, as we know you are, in
our lay community and on the sacred grounds that true justice,
compassion and common sense prevail. Even a condemned criminal is
granted a final meal of his choice but Terri Schiavo cannot even get a
drop of water!
May God
forgive this nation and help us or we could be the next victims of the
new Auschwitz mentality so cruelly exhibited in Florida in the Year of
Our Lord 2005.
Stay strong
through Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers.
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