St Michael's World Apostolate, SMWA
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44th Annual
March for Life
with the Lay Order of St. Michael
On Friday, January 27, 2017, a busload of pilgrims from St Michael's World Apostolate (SMWA) and some local parishioners joined the throngs in Washington, D.C. in defense of human life from conception to natural death.
Marching up Constitution Ave
Listen to brief offering by Michael Mangan, SMWA President. Bill Dykes, Lay Order of St. Michael (LOSM) (l.), was the bus organizer.
We had our powerful, mobile "mic" system so that thousands of pro-lifers could join us in prayer and song. Here is Mary Consoli of Bristol, Penn., singing the traditional hymns.
Alice Dennis of Bay Shore, N.Y., giving Our Lady's Message to an enthusiastic young person.
A pro-lifer reading our Heaven Speaks Today on Marriage and Family.
Many television crews were broadcasting.
The National Catholic Register estimated that about 500,000 pro-lifers attended, making it one of the biggest ever.
Watch above a brief time-lapse video of the teeming masses. Video courtesy of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
Historic: The Vice President, Mike Pence, gave an inspirational talk. It was the first time in 44 years that a Vice President had attended.
Andrew Stewart of Philadelphia, Penn., leading the response to the rosary prayers.
The Supreme Court
The pro-life warriors. By the end of the day, we led nine rosaries of reparation with tens of thousands participating. Thousands of Our Lady's Messages were distributed and received well. Let us pray that the good pro-lifers are deeply moved by Our Lady's powerful Message.

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SMWA photos by Darryl Bolisay, LOSM