
Dying man experiences
power of rose petal

May 2001

I first heard and received a rose petal from a Joe Spadaro of Yonkers, [New York].  I placed the petal on my unconscious brother's forehead as he was dying of a brain tumor. As soon as I touched him, he said "Blessed Virgin Mary." He never knew what I placed on his head, never opened his eyes, but those were the last words he said. He died a few hours later.

My other brothers and I were comforted because Our Lady was with him.

My sister-in-law who had a small cancer growth in her left eye, now has the petal and doctors in Cleveland and Cincinnati say she is in remission and she is comforted each day by the petal.

 Thank you.

Albert Yacobozzi

Erie, PA


Mail me more free information on the apparitions of Our Lady and Our Lord to Veronica of the Cross and also a free rose petal blessed by Jesus and Mary with graces of cure and conversion.