St Michael's World Apostolate, SMWA

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2008 Annual May Crowning


Children grace the excedra
James Donohue, Vigil Coordinator, leading the prayers

Darryl Bolisay, LOSM (left, kneeling), praying the sorrowful mysteries

About 200 people attended this glorious ceremony

Mary and Marisa Consoli had the honor of singing for the May Crowning. Here they are signing the crowning hymn, "Bring Flowers of the Fairest."

Paola placing the garland of the roses
Paola crowns Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth

Now Our Lady, She has upon Her head a most beautiful golden crown, and the oh, it's so beautiful! It has stones in the crown that are blue and golden. The gold around the stones is the most brilliant color yellow. It hurts my eyes to look at, it's so beautiful!

Veronica, Dec. 24, 1974

Children praying the Rosary
Pat Landy of Maryland deep in prayer
Angelo Nardo of Long Island, N.Y.
Anthony and Edie Consoli of Yardley, Penn.
Mr. Mangan making some final announcements

After the May Crowning, pilgrims lined up to venerate the crucifix kissed by Our Lady.

For directions to Our Lady of the Roses Shrine, click here

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Last updated: 04/27/09